Contact us
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Contact us

Bright (Head Office)

10 Ireland Street
Bright VIC 3741

Ph: (03) 5750 1965

Fax: (03) 5750 1146

OPEN: Mon- Fri


Shop 5, 153-159 Myrtle St
Myrtleford VIC 3737
Ph: (03) 5751 1050
Fax: (03) 5752 2227
OPEN: Mon- Fri

About Us

At Ovens Valley Physio we pride ourselves on going beyond the basics. Our expert physiotherapists will work together to thoroughly address all aspects of your recovery and treatment.


We believe that by taking a little extra time to help you understand your injury and through our model of specific and team oriented treatment, we work together with your existing healthcare team and ensure we refer you to the appropriate professionals to assist your needs when appropriate.